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Corporate Social Responsibility

Bridge Partners & Associates works with corporations’ and funding institutions to identify local opportunities for corporate support and guide implementation of corporate social impact programs. BPA also supports corporations to measure its social impact performance and helps connect CSR to long term and sustainable outcomes.

BPA will specifically:

  • Assist corporations to understand and assess their impact on people and communities.

  • Offer guidance and facilitation of local partnerships and community engagement practices.

  • Assist in the identification and design of CSR projects reflective of community needs.

  • Assist corporations to engage in environmentally sustainable practices and work with corporations’ to assess inputs of negative environmental practices.

  • Evaluate corporations ability to track sustainable targets, and collect information to support corporations local CSR audits.

  • Work to promote brand awareness, and to seek opportunities for corporate volunteerism and knowledge exchange.

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Reputation Management

BPA improves corporations reputation and opportunities for CSR investment by:

  • promoting the value of ‘living brand’ opportunities;

  • evaluating how products or services influences the corporate reputation;

  • facilitating improvements and operationalizing enhancements to improve credibility;

  • seeking CSR opportunities and evaluating impact of CSR strategies and programs; and

  • providing “out of country” businesses to formalize an institutional presence “in country.”

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Capacity Building & Leadership

BPA understands that sustainability comes with strong internal capacity and investment in leadership development for staff at all levels of an organization.

BPA will take the “client” through critical steps to achieve sustainability and to find emerging leadership strategies necessary for change.

BPA will build the capacity of individuals and groups of people to improve their contribution and participation in their institutions.

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Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance services are tailored for non-governmental institutions, government entities, intermediaries and communities seeking advice on how to engage in partnerships, develop collaborative entities and. services in

  • Strategic Planning

  • Proposal Development

  • Board Development

  • Impact Measurement

BPA engages clients to address the big questions facing their organization and/or a collaborative entity seeking to represent community interests, and implement a collaborative plan.

BPA helps clients to create environment for on-going thinking to occur and provides organizational tools to set on-going goals and strategies to create achievable plans.


Organizational Development

Complicated lingo creates confusion and hinders you to start or move forward.

BPA breaks down organizational development language into simple words. Bridge Partners & Associates will help you understand what it takes to do “OD”.  BPA uses a mix of organizational strategies taken from the non-profit, business, and government sectors.

If necessary, BPA will complement OD with program development and fundraising strategies to create a funding forecast.

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Partnership Development

Partnership development will help clients to create road maps and accountability pathways for newly created partnerships and collaborations. BPA will identify stumbling blocks to prevent diffusion of responsibility within a collaboration or partnership. In addition, BPA will promote good representation, good leadership, good management structure and skilled staff for successful collaborations to work. BPA repertoire will also include community asset building methods and knowledge sharing on international community building efforts and strategies.